The Council works to protect the public by: Promoting safe midwifery practice through regulation and standards; Ensuring midwives are qualified and meet registration requirements as per the Midwifery Act; and, Providing a way for a concern or complaint to be received.
If you have a concern about unprofessional, unsafe, or unethical midwifery practice, please contact the Registrar to discuss. A person may make a complaint to the Registrar if the conduct or actions complained of may constitute professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. (Midwifery Act, Section 39, 1-3)
Here are some steps to consider before making a formal complaint:
Discuss the concern directly with your midwife Sometimes, issues may arise due to misunderstandings between what you expected as a midwifery client, and the actual care received. Discussion at this level will often resolve questions and concerns.
Speak with the Midwifery Manager
If you are uncomfortable discussing your concern directly with the midwife, you may wish to speak with the Midwifery Manager.
Contact the Registrar
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of speaking with your midwife, or the Midwifery Manager, or you feel it is inappropriate to speak with either of them, you may contact the Registrar to discuss your concerns and receive information on the complaint process. The Council may be able to help resolve your concerns prior to submitting a formal complaint.
Should you decide to move forward with a formal complaint, it must be received in writing, sent to the Registrar by email or post mail. It must also include your full name, the name of the midwife/midwives involved, your preferred contact information, and relevant dates and details.